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Sunday, September 24, 2017

Blueberry Breakfast Cake


I was at one of our local health food stores today where I met a young woman named Monet (sorry if I spelled that wrong). Somehow, we got to talking about us both being vegans and I mentioned that my diet was even more limited. She asked me what I ate for breakfast and I told her that lately I've been eating a Blueberry Breakfast Cake.

I started making the Cake after I began by using this recipe for Blueberry Breakfast Scones, but I started getting too lazy to make the batter into scones, so I use a loaf pan (lined with unbleached parchment paper).

I start with 1/2 an 8 ounce jar of organic unsweetened peanut butter (I like crunchy), 1/2 cup of pea protein (unsweetened, unflavored), 1 teaspoon powdered stevia, and flavoring, like vanilla (1/2 teaspoon powder) or grated organic lemon rind (from about one lemon), for example, 1/2 cup of (unsweetened) coconut milk (or almond, soy, cashew milk) and 1/2 cup almond "flour". I mix it all together. Then I add 1 cup of frozen, unsweetened organic blueberries. (Sometimes, I add 1/4 cup chopped walnuts.) Adjust the consistency with more coconut milk (if it's too stiff) or almond flour (if it's too loose). Pour it into a loaf pan (lines with parchment paper) and bake at about 300 to 350 degrees from 20-30 minutes. Check after about 20 minutes to see if it's "done" and bake more if needed.

I put it in the refrigerator and cut off a "slab" every morning -- sometimes I warm it in the oven (for a few minutes at about 250 degrees) or eat it cold. Hope you like it.

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