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Friday, November 22, 2019

My Keto-vegan Gumbo


I have always loved okra. Mind you, I haven't eaten it too many times. But when they got okra in at Whole Foods (and it wasn't organic) it spurred within me a desire to find some organic okra (which I then ordered from Amazon).

In the meantime, I've been hearing all this "stuff" about the impossible burger so I wanted to make my version of that too.

I love mushrooms (particularly shiitake) and I find that when they are cooked (and spiced) just right they taste like meat. So I rehydrated one package of dehydrated shiitake mushrooms and one package of porcini mushrooms. I then put them rehydrated mushrooms into a food processor with my spice mixture (make one of your own with spices you like) and some pink (Himalayan) salt, and 1/4 cup chopped walnuts. I processed it all and shaped the mixture into slider sized "burgers" -- and I sprayed them with olive oil (organic EVOO) and baked them on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet at 425 degrees for 15-25 minutes. I let them cool and then took two of the burgers (I had made 6) and cut them into chunks and tossed them into the cooking veggies (for the "gumbo").

As that was going on, I took my deep flying pan, put in a teaspoon of my spice mix and covered the bottom with olive oil (also EVOO an also organic). I put in a 6 oz container of organic chopped red cabbage, added a couple of handfuls of thickly sliced okra, a medium zucchini cut into chunks, and a couple of handfuls of quartered (cut into quarters) fresh shiitake mushrooms. I let this cook on a small flame for a while -- this is what I tossed the "'shroom' burger" into. After the veggies got soft, I added two bags (10 oz each) of riced cauliflower. I cooked it through with the other veggies. I tried it and it was yummy.